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Miflex Hoses
Category Path: Hoses Hardware and Care > Miflex Hoses / Accessories > Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hoses > Miflex Inflator Hose | White
Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hose 90 cm - 36" (White)
These 90 cm (36 inch) White Miflex Xtreme Low Pressure (LP) BCD/Inflator/Jacket hoses are suitable for most ranges of Inflator, Dry-suit, BCD's and...
Miflex Hoses
Category Path: Hoses Hardware and Care > Miflex Hoses / Accessories > Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hoses > Miflex Inflator Hose | White
Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hose 75 cm - 30" (White)
These 75 cm (30 inch) White Miflex Xtreme Low Pressure (LP) BCD/Inflator/Jacket hoses are suitable for most ranges of Inflator, Dry-suit, BCD's and...
Miflex Hoses
Category Path: Hoses Hardware and Care > Miflex Hoses / Accessories > Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hoses > Miflex Inflator Hose | White
Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hose 56 cm - 22" (White)
These 56 cm (22 inch) White Miflex Xtreme Low Pressure (LP) BCD/Inflator/Jacket hoses are suitable for most ranges of Inflator, Dry-suit, BCD's and...
Miflex Hoses
Category Path: Hoses Hardware and Care > Miflex Hoses / Accessories > Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hoses > Miflex Inflator Hose | White
Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hose 65 cm - 26" (White)
These 65 cm (26 inch) White Miflex Xtreme Low Pressure (LP) BCD/Inflator/Jacket hoses are suitable for most ranges of Inflator, Dry-suit, BCD's and...
Miflex Hoses
Category Path: Hoses Hardware and Care > Miflex Hoses / Accessories > Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hoses > Miflex Inflator Hose | White
Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hose 50 cm - 20" (White)
These 50 cm (20 inch) White Miflex Xtreme Low Pressure (LP) BCD/Inflator/Jacket hoses are suitable for most ranges of Inflator, Dry-suit, BCD's and...
Miflex Hoses
Category Path: Hoses Hardware and Care > Miflex Hoses / Accessories > Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hoses > Miflex Inflator Hose | White
Miflex Xtreme LP Inflator Hose 60 cm - 24" (White)
These 60 cm (24 inch) White Miflex Xtreme Low Pressure (LP) BCD/Inflator/Jacket hoses are suitable for most ranges of Inflator, Dry-suit, BCD's and...
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