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Do you want to talk to us personally? Please write to or call Deep Blue Imports using the details below. Right now it's: Saturday, 27th July 2024 8:53 pm


tel. 03 5985 3322 : international. +61 3 5985 3322

Returns & Exchanges

What if there is a problem with my order?
If there's a problem with your delivered order, returns are easy! Please use our Return Authorisation Request form and we'll quickly make it right.

Company Details

Chaordent Pty Ltd trading as Deep Blue Imports
ABN 88 116 755 170

Opening Hours

The Deep Blue Imports Online Shop is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week online. However, our physical office hours are typically:

  • 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. (or later if busy) on Monday, Thursday and Friday (Administration, Warehouse and Accounts)
  • 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday (Warehouse Staff - Stock Level Queries only)

Please note: While the office is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, we will typically be open on Wednesday during the peak Summer months of December-January.

Please note: Deep Blue Imports Office may close early on weekends and Wednesdays if adverse weather conditions exist.

All times are for Victoria, Australia which is:
AEST - UTC/GMT + 10 hours (standard), or
AEDT - UTC/GMT + 11 hours (daylight saving).



Deep Blue Imports
2/49 Peninsula Ave
RYE VIC 3941

Melway: Map 168 Ref C6

Get Directions

Use Google Maps to see exactly where Deep Blue Imports is located and to get directions to and from our office.
Google Map — get directions

GPS Coordinates

Latitude: 38° 22′ 36.73″ S (-38.376869° S / 38° 22.612′ S)
Longitude: 144° 48′ 23.7″ E (144.806583° E / 144° 48.395′ E)

Sat Nav Coordinates: -38.376869° S, 144.806583° E

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us by e-mail (, by phone (03 5985 3322), or using the form below. We'll solve your problem as quickly as possible.

Contact Us
* Required information

Deep Blue Imports
2/49 Peninsula Ave
Rye Victoria 3941, Australia
P +613 5985 3322
Opening Hours
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Copyright © 2005-2024 by Deep Blue Imports, ABN 88 116 755 170. All rights reserved. tel. +61 3 5985 3322 :: email. :: Web site by it'sTechnical 2022